In this blog, I try to explore some interview questions which might help you in the interview. let’s start it

  1. What is JavaScript: JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted & just in time compiled programming language. Basically, JavaScript is a client-side language but using Node we can also use it on the server site.

1. What is JavaScript: JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted & just in time compiled programming language. Basically, JavaScript is a client-side language but using Node we can also use it on the server site.

2. Factorial Value: Factorial value is a common interview question. Factorial is the sum of the 1 to the factorial number. like 4! = 1*2*3*4. factorial is the count at first 1*2 = result then the result is the sum with the next number.

3.Recursive Function: When a function call a function inside a function is called a recursive function.

4. Fibonacci series: Fibonacci series is add of previous two numbers. It means if i want to know the fibonacci serios of the element we need to add those positions before two number.

5: isPrime: A prime number is a number which is not dividing except 1 & the same number. So we can say if the number er devided by 2 or others number exept the same number the number is not prime.

6. Bubble Event : Bubble event is a event. by using this event we can set a event listener in parent div we can use it by clicking is chilld element. Suppos we have a ul & there is 5 li item. if we set a event in li we can not use those event in every li item. but if we set the event in ul we will got in into every items. This is babble event.

7. Callback Function: If we pass a function as another function perameter its called callback function

8. == vs ===: == is check 2side value. Not the data type. But === check both. For example if we compair 2==”2” it’s return us true but if we try 2===”2” it returns false

9. Null vs Undefined: when we declare a variable but we forget to pass any data it return us null value. But if we don’t declare any variable abd try to use this then it return us undefined.

